Nicknames and street names for cocaine casa palmera. Basis of street names for cocaine willow springs addiction. Cocaine has various nicknames including coke, blow, coca, nose candy, snow, and flake. Crack cocaine street names include 247, baseball, bobo, and other names that are coined to help market it. People who use street names for drugs can discreetly talk about substance use without having to worry about legal consequences. Cocaine isnt new and neither are all the slang terms and nicknames for it. Nicknames, street names and slang for cocainelaced drugs. Be aware of the following slang terms for these types of drugs.
It is in a publication of the world health organization. Street names for drugs commonly used drug slang terms. By using these code words, addicts can conceal their drug use from unsuspecting family members and friends. People snort cocaine through their nose, rub it into their gums, or dissolve it and inject it with a needle into their veins. Crack cocaine drug slangcode words clinical pain advisor. Below is a list of a few of the many street names and slang terms used across the country to refer to cocaine. The street slang used for cocaine are so numerous that its almost impossible to list them all here. The crash that follows a high is mental and physical exhaustion, sleep, and. Cocaine is a highly addictive substance that has been around for centuries. Cocaine has many street names, and knowing what the street names for cocaine are can help parents and teens who are worried about a friend or loved one who may be using cocaine. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Cocaine has been known by many different slang terms and. Effects of crack cocaine include euphoria, supreme confidence, loss of appetite, insomnia, alertness, increased energy, a craving for more cocaine, and potential paranoia ending after use. Jul 29, 2019 crack or crack cocaine is a form of cocaine.
Cocaine alone is a white, bitter tasting powder, which comes from the leaves. It is an intenseand euphorigenic drug with strong addictive potential. Crack cocaine and powdered cocaine are chemically similar but have key differences. Some of the names can be linked with the word cocaine or properties of. Initially, this illegal form of heroin available on the street was supplied primarily from china and came as a white powdery substance, referred to as china white. It is a powerful central nervous system stimulant, sold in ready to smoke chunks or rocks. A number of terms describe the different ways meth is used, where its made and the people who use it. The world health organization has supplied there is a list of the most common ghb street names across the globe. Normal cocaine has a molecule of hydrochloride, or hcl, attached to it.
In these cases, cocaine street names vary from the ones mentioned above. As stated by the nida, crack is a form of cocaine that has been processed to make a rock crystal also called freebase cocaine that can be smoked. Allamerican drug, aunt nora, barbs, blow, coke, dream, and foofoo dust are all nicknames for cocaine. White, crystalline powder derived from coca leaves. Others, such as nose candy, illustrate how the drug is abused nasally. Crack cocaine, also known as crack coke, freebase crack and base crack is a potent type of cocaine. Increased supply, steady crack cocaine prices, and increasingly sophisticated drug distribution networks have made cocaine, also known as coke, easily available on the street.
Cocaine is an addictive stimulant drug extracted from the leaves of the. Crack cocaine is the freebase form of cocaine that can be smoked. Common street names for cocaine as one of the most common street drugs for the last few decades, cocaine is a wellknown menace across the nation. Nicknames, street names and slang for cocaine laced drugs. It can be snorted up the nose or mixed with water and injected with a needle. From the office of national drug control policy, a. Cocaine, though not the most popular drug nowadays, was once a very popular drug in the 1970s and 1980s. The five way methamphetamine, heroin, cocaine, rohypnol and alcohol. Crack street names have become an important part of drug consumption around the world.
Its initial effect is to release a large amount of dopamine, a brain chemical inducing feelings of euphoria. Some of the street names, including snow, flake, and sugar, are named specifically because of its powderlike appearance. For more information and photographs of coke and crack cocaine, get the crack brochure or the drug identification guide. The following table contains most of the slang names used for cocaine powder, smokeable cocaine or crack, and injected cocaine. Some slang terms for cocaine include coke, snow, and powder. Street drug language changes all of the time, so as soon as a list is published its somewhat out of date. However, because it is often cut with a variety of different ingredients, you. Stay current by learning the street names for cocaine and crack cocaine.
Crack cocaine street names an ongoing series for parents, family or friends of addicts looking to seethrough addiction. Oct 12, 2015 cocaine, most often used as a white powder, is sold illicitly under the street names included here. Its not just weed that has a large number of alternative names. There are dozens more for different forms of cocaine. Hippie flipuse of mushrooms psilocybin and ecstasy. Whether its smoked, snorted or injected, used in combination with other substances or alone, cocaine is a drug that goes by a variety of nicknames and street names. Crack, the crystalized version of cocaine, has also grown in popularity due to its easy mode of. According to the national institute on drug abuse, cocaine is still widely abused today and plays a key role in the problems that are taking place on the streets, within the country, within other countries and in communities all over the world. Street names for common illegal drugs cocaine street names. Banano, blunt, pimos, bazooka, pdogs, 51, sherman stick, tio, splitting, woowoo, woo blunt, woolies, woolas. With further processing, the coca leaves become cocaine and crack that is sold on the street. Combinations of cocaine and other drugs have their own street names, which include speedballs and cocoa puffs.
As with other slang terms for illegal drugs, there are many street names for cocaine that have been coined based on peoples names. Cocaine has various street names which are the ways dealers and users refer to the drug. Handlebarscombination of crack cocaine and alprazolam xanax happy stickmarijuana and pcp in a cigarette. It is so named because it makes a cracking or popping sound when heated.
Standard cocaine comes in the form of a white powder, though its color and texture can be altered by certain additives. Cocaine is a stimulant that is made from the leaves of the coca plant, which is native to south america. Cocaine begins as green leaves of the coca plant, but by the time it reaches users, it is a flaky white powder or hard, white rocks in the form of crack cocaine. Using these code words allows individuals, including teens, to hide drug use from parents, teachers and police officers. It is the most potent among all naturally occurring stimulants and is extracted from the leaves of the coca bush. It is not uncommon to find cocaine mixed with marijuana, pcp, heroin, metamphetamine, ecstasy and even lsd. Cocaine is more commonly sold and abused than crack cocaine.
Slang terms and nicknames for cocaine addiction campuses. Cocaine street names street names and slang for cocaine. But why do people use crack slang and what are the. Common street names for cocaine yellowstone recovery. Mar 12, 2015 crack cocaine street names include 247, baseball, bobo, and other names that are coined to help market it. Coca, coke, crack, crank, flake, rock, snow, soda cot.
Crack cocaine is commonly used as a recreational drug. And right now, once of the biggest drug threats facing this country is cocaine, currently the thirdmostabused drug. Crack cocaine street names drug addiction addiction blog. Glossary of slang drug names addiction rehab in chicago. Cocaine users usually binge on the drug until they are exhausted or run out of cocaine. Stimulant national library of medicine coke is a white powder. Others use it to enhance the effects of other substances. A huge list of common cocaine street names and crack cocaine slang terms. Soon thereafter, other street names for the drug began. Cocaine base crack looks like small, irregularly shaped white rocks. The term crack used when talking about drugs, is the same thing as crack cocaine. Some of the street names, slang terms, and nicknames given to cocaine during the height of its popularity have become part of the american. Crack is the street name for crystallized freebase cocaine.
Crack cocaine is the crystal form of cocaine, which normally comes in a powder form. There are far more nicknames for cocaine than you would imagine. Street names for powdered cocaine include snow, nose candy, coke, big c, flake and blow. Crack, on the other hand, is made into white chunks that look like small rocks. Amphetamines are stimulants that affect the central nervous system. Crack is formed when cocaine goes through extra processing with baking soda or ammonia. Meanwhile, there is another more extensive list of ghb street names. These nicknames are often based on the appearance of the drug. Because street names change frequently, however, parents should keep themselves up to date by talking to local law enforcement officers or others who can tell them. An ongoing series for parents, family or friends of addicts looking to seethrough addiction. It is called crack in reference to the cracking sound it makes when it is heated. It is classified by the dea as a schedule ii drug and has a high potential for abuse. One of the warning signs of cocaine use is the use of cocaine slang.
This is why substance abusers using slang or street names for drugs. While all forms of cocaine can become addictive and cause dangerous results when abused, this form is particularly harmful. Mar 24, 2020 cocaine begins as green leaves of the coca plant, but by the time it reaches users, it is a flaky white powder or hard, white rocks in the form of crack cocaine. Cocaine abuse has a long, deeply rooted history in u. Crack, the most potent form in which cocaine appears, is also the. In the united states, most people who are using a street name for the drug will refer to it this way. The terms used to describe ingestion include chewing, snorting, mainlining injecting into a large vein and smoking. Heroin is a depressant and a schedule 1 drug, which means.
The street name was popularized as a way to disguise heroin transactions between distributers, dealers and users. Cocaine alone is a white, bitter tasting powder, which comes from the leaves of the coca plant that is found in south america. This form of cocaine is called crack, which refers to the crackling sound of the rock as its heated. Sometimes, cocaine obtained on the streets can be mixed with other substances in order to obtain different kinds of effects. Cocaine and crack cocaine users also use street names or slang for cocaine. Houston cocktailhydrocodone, a benzodiazepine like valium or xanax, and. Cocaine nicknames and street names skywood recovery. Drug users often refer to specific drugs by their street names, or slang. From the office of national drug control policy, a thorough list of street names for crack.
Street names for crack all seem to revolve around a central concept. Cocaine is a stimulant drug that is made from the leaves of a coca plant and comes in the form of a white powder or a rock. Yeyo is another commonly used term which is the spanish name for the drug. When cocaine is cooked into its crack form, the drug resembles that of a candied rock. A number of drugs, from crack cocaine to prescription opioids, have street names.